Thursday, 15 April 2010

Why You Need A Penny Stock List

Why do you need to compile a penny stocks list, and how should you actually do it? The answers to those two questions will give you the understanding you want to level the penny stocks trading field enough to give you an opportunity at success. A penny stocks list which is the results of your careful required groundwork will help you target the stocks most certain to appreciate short term, and that is what you are after.

Your penny stocks list will permit you to trace the stocks you are watching easily. Making an attempt to monitor the many thousands of penny stocks each day is just impossible, and by the point you had looked at even one % of them the trading day would be over.

Keeping track of Your Holdings

Having a penny stocks list will also permit you to have at your fingertips the positions you hold in your penny stock portfolio. You’ll know exactly how many shares you have in each company, so you can track your gains and losses with your broker’s online quotes. You will be able to sell as soon as you are in profit, locking it in. The perfect time to take profits in the penny market is as soon as you have them, and not a minute later .

You can give a part of you penny stocks list to the stocks which you are considering for later purchase. You can pick up on any important movements in their prices, and if you see a positive one, try and decide if it certain to continue.

If this is so you should purchase the stock and move it to your monitored list, to sell as soon as you are in profit. Having a penny stock list is the simplest way to time your entry and exists into different stocks.

Stock Source is a full service investor relations firm dedicated to growth stocks. We seek out innovative, emerging companies poised for growth and tell their stories to qualified, aggressive investors looking for ground floor opportunities.

We connect investors with investment prospects—cutting through the noise and churn of Wall Street to shine the spotlight on companies on their way up. These companies trade on the Nasdaq, Amex, OTCBB, and Pinksheets.

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